

General Amenities

Valet Parking

Meeting/Private Event Space

Smoke-Free Property

Restaurant Amenities

Outdoor Seating

Banquet Capacity: 140

Private Room Capacity: 28

Private Rooms

Reception Capacity: 200

Total Restaurant Buyout Available

Total Seating Capacity: 140

Meals Served



Partner has self-reported the following sustainability efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

Single-use plastic straws not used

Eat & Drink Sustainability Practices:

  • None

Most lighting uses energy-efficient bulbs

Use of Unbleached Linens


Partner has self-reported the following accessibility efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

Accessible parking

Accessible Restrooms

Flat Path to Entrance

Parking Lot Surface: Smooth/Paved

Wheelchair-Friendly Inside Walkways

Drinking straws for disabled patrons

Water bowls for service dogs

Step-free outdoor seating

Accessible height tables/counters

Giselle Miami



$46 or more