Orchids in Bloom
The date for this annual event has passed. A new date will be provided when available.
Revel at one of the largest gatherings of orchids and orchid vendors during Fairchild’s Orchids in Bloom Festival, a two-day orchid extravaganza taking place on Saturday, March 9 and Sunday, March 10. From mainstay varieties to exotic and tropical, a vast selection of orchids will be on display to add to your collection. Here's what to expect:
- Orchid vendors competing for top prize at the Orchid Show and Exhibit presented by the Orchid Society of Coral Gables in the Garden House.
- Exotic and tropical orchids for purchase
- Lectures by Fairchild's Orchid Experts and Scientists
- Orchid seed transplanting at The Million Orchid Project Lab, in the STEMLab
- Hundreds of butterflies at Wings of the Tropics
- A Children’s Garden for the kiddos
- ORKIDS ENCOUNTER for kids and kids at heart. Embark on an adventure through the Garden to explore and discover orchids!
- Specialty Orchids in Bloom Cocktail Flights for purchase.