

General Amenities

Free Wifi

Valet Parking

Smoke-Free Property

Business Center

Number of Bars/Lounges: 1

Number of Restaurants: 1

Number of Sleeping Rooms (Including Suites): 60

Room Service

Luggage Storage

Pre/Post-Cruise Baggage Storage

Distance from MIA (in miles): 10.5

Room Amenities

Air Conditioning

Room/Bed Types:

  • King
  • Queen/Queen

Rooms with a Refrigerator

Rooms with Balcony

Wireless Internet in Guest Rooms

Meeting and Event Space

Exhibits Space: 1

Sleeping Rooms: 60

Number of Suites: 2

Space Notes:Meeting space is all on the outdoor patio area.

Location Details

Distance from MBCC (in miles): 0.9

Distance from MIA (in miles): 10.5


Partner has self-reported the following sustainability efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

Most lighting uses energy-efficient bulbs

Water-efficient toilets


Partner has self-reported the following accessibility efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

Fixed Grab Bars for Shower

Fixed Grab Bars for Toilet

Number of Accessible Rooms with Handheld Shower Wands: 2

Number of Rooms with Roll-In Showers and 1 Bed: 2

Wide Clearance Bed

Wide Clearance to Shower/Toilet

Wide Hallways (at least 36")

Video of Kent Hotel